This Is All There Is…

This is it. This is all there is. I try to be soft in a hard world. I try to be alone in a crowded place. I try to share small parts of myself with others who want to put those parts of myself on the ground so they can walk back and forth over them, until there is nothing left but memories of who I once was.

My life is not a dream. It is a reality. I live it every day. I do great things, things that nobody will ever see or understand. It has to be ok. It has to be enough. And so it is.

It is enough.

It is my inherent belief that those who don’t even bother trying to understand are not worthy of knowing who I truly am. I have comfort in knowing that I can open a book and share my stories, or find new stories shared by others. I can listen to music and draw and create and through this I understand more of who I am. I have an intimate relationship with myself, something I know most people are missing in their lives. It’s why so many people are seeking approval outside of themselves, as though they are broken children who will never find comfort anywhere…always searching, always broken, instead of healing from the inside out. Which is how it works.

My truths will always be mine. My voice will always be mine to use as I choose. My beliefs will always be what they are, ever changing and evolving as I grow. I do not subscribe to one strict belief system and never will. I refuse to allow others to plant invasive species in my mind. My truths are mine, thus making them true to me. What others choose to believe or not believe is their truth now, wouldn’t you say?


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